It is mainly engaged in the production and sales of automobile connectors (including cable harness sleeve, plate-end wafer and hardware terminal), automotive fuse box, automobile sensor, automobile motor wire holder, heavy-current copper terminal and copper bar etc.
Its products are widely applied in various kinds of oil-fueled cars, new energy vehicles, rail traffic vehicles, bus, engineering machines and special vehicles.
Production tools are a sign of the level of productivity development.Advanced production equipment represents advanced productivity.Deeply and actively introduce advanced technology and production equipment, Combine the inherent quality of the product with the external individuality,Fully meet and lead the needs of industrial modernization.
Its products are widely applied in various kinds of oil-fueled cars, new energy vehicles, rail traffic vehicles, bus, engineering machines and special vehicles. The company mainly supplies products to large automobile manufacturers such as BYD, CRRC, Geely, BAIC and Wuling.
Production tools are a sign of the level of productivity development.Advanced production equipment represents advanced productivity.
Shenji products
Production tools are a sign of the level of productivity development.Advanced production equipment represents advanced productivity.Deeply and actively introduce advanced technology and production equipment, Combine the inherent quality of the product with the external individuality,Fully meet and lead the needs of industrial modernization.
Shenji Products
Quality reflects our dignity, outstanding quality rejects mediocrity, meticulous, tempered, standa-rdized management system And a systematic quality assurance system. Let product quality be unimpeded in every corner of the world. Deep people pass and cooperateThe fruitful efforts of the people are making Shenji Electronics an impeccable product.
裝備優(yōu)勢/Equipment advantage
Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and science and technology are also the core competitiveness of enterprises.Continuously strengthen the research and development and innovation of core technologies, and constantly strive for excellence.
寄月餅、發(fā)禮品、舉辦趣味運動(dòng)會(huì )-深極電子濃情中秋紀實(shí)
金秋送爽,丹桂飄香,又是一年中秋佳節,為使員工度過(guò)一個(gè)歡樂(lè )祥和的節日,深極電子開(kāi)展了一系列的員工中秋慰問(wèn)活動(dòng):發(fā)禮品、寄月餅、舉辦趣味運動(dòng)會(huì ),以此來(lái)答謝員工的辛勤付出與奉獻,以及員工家屬的理解與支持。中秋前夕,公司早早備好了月餅禮盒,通過(guò)快遞的方式郵寄到每…
MORE端午棕飄香 情誼暖人心-公司為員工發(fā)放端午節福利
端午節來(lái)臨之際,為了慶祝傳統佳節,體現公司的人文關(guān)懷。公司按照風(fēng)俗為員工準備了端午節禮品-粽子和鴨蛋,并一一發(fā)放到員工手中。 領(lǐng)到福利的員工臉上洋溢著(zhù)開(kāi)心的笑容,他們紛紛表示,粽子雖小,情誼很深,大家都切實(shí)感受到了來(lái)自公…
?為活躍公司氛圍,豐富員工的精神文化生活,緩解工作壓力。2021年6月6日,公司組織了全體員工臺州神仙居一日游活動(dòng)。6月6日上午7點(diǎn),在旅游公司的安排下,員工統一在公司集合乘坐旅游大巴前往神仙居。經(jīng)過(guò)兩小時(shí)的車(chē)程,到達神仙居景點(diǎn)。? ? ? ?旅游的第…
MORE公司年終工作總結大會(huì )順利召開(kāi)
1月26日,深極電子召開(kāi)年終工作總結大會(huì ),公司中高層管理人員以及職工代表共同參加了會(huì )議,為營(yíng)造輕松和諧的交流氛圍,公司策劃了以茶話(huà)會(huì )的形式開(kāi)展了本次會(huì )議。會(huì )議開(kāi)始,由總經(jīng)理陳炳孚致辭,陳總對各部門(mén)在2020年度取得的工作成績(jì)表示了肯定和感謝。副總經(jīng)理徐阿永對2020…